Profit Over Convenience: Disney Takes Aim at Streaming Password Sharing to Drive Revenue

Disney’s boss, Bob Iger, said they’re gonna make it harder for people to share passwords on Disney+ and Hulu, like Netflix did. They want to save money and make those streaming services profitable.

They’ll start cracking down on this in some places in June and everywhere else by September, but they haven’t said exactly where yet.

This comes after Disney won a fight against someone named Nelson Peltz, showing they’re really serious about making their streaming stuff successful and growing it.

Disney’s Money-Saving Moves: How Bob Iger’s Strategy Aims to Make Streaming Profitable

Under Bob Iger’s leadership, Disney has been working hard to save money and make its streaming services more profitable.

Bob Iger is cutting costs at Disney to make their streaming services profitable by the end of the year while making some changes. (Credits: The Wellesley News)

Since Iger came back as CEO in 2022, Disney has made good progress in reducing the money it’s losing from streaming.

Iger is confident that the streaming part of the business will start making money by the end of this year.

These efforts show that Disney is serious about improving how it works and growing in the tough world of streaming, even though some people like Nelson Peltz think Disney should aim for the same big profits as Netflix.

More Value, Higher Prices, and Subscriber Concerns

Disney also raised the prices for their streaming services while they’re cracking down on password sharing.

Disney is raising subscription prices and offering bundles to make sure they’re making enough money while still giving customers a good deal. (Credits: Deadline)

They just started offering a deal where you can get Hulu and Disney+ together for $9.99 a month, kinda like what Netflix does.

They’re hoping this will give customers more for their money while also helping Disney make enough money.

However, some people are worried that these higher prices might make it harder for Disney to get new subscribers and keep the ones they already have, especially since lots of people are trying to watch how much they spend on subscriptions.

Facing Challenges and Uncertainty

Disney wants to make some big changes to how people share passwords and other stuff to adapt to a changing world.

Disney has a big challenge ahead to make their streaming services successful.

They’re trying hard to make money with their streaming services, but it’s not clear if these changes will work.

People might not like it, and it’s tricky to do this in different places around the world. Disney’s got a tough job making their streaming stuff successful.

Sajda Parveen
Sajda Parveen
Sajda Praveen is a market expert. She has over 6 years of experience in the field and she shares her expertise with readers. You can reach out to her at [email protected]
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