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Businesses Transform Surfaces into Shoppable Ad Networks as Retail Media Grows

Businesses are increasingly transforming various surfaces into shoppable ad networks, indicating a growing trend in the retail media network space. Even non-traditional retailers like...

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Democrats Shift Campaign Strategy to Engage Younger Voters Following Biden’s Withdrawal

Following President Biden's unexpected withdrawal from the presidential race, the Democratic Party is expected to pivot its advertising and marketing strategy to better appeal to younger voters. With Biden's endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris as his successor, there is a strong likelihood that the Democrats will intensify their focus on digital and social media platforms. This shift in strategy aims to engage the youth demographic more effectively through increased use of memes, influencer marketing, and other digital tools that resonate with younger audiences. The immediate impact of this transition is evident in the rapid embrace of pop culture by Harris's campaign. In the first 24 hours after her candidacy announcement, the campaign capitalized on a tweet from...

Developer Runs Windows 11 on iPhone 15 Pro Using New Emulator

Contrary to the belief that Apple and Microsoft would never allow their software to coexist on the same device, a developer has managed to run Windows 11 on the latest iPhone 15 Pro. This feat was accomplished using a new emulator called UTM SE, available on the App Store. Emulation allows one hardware architecture to mimic another, enabling the iPhone’s ARM-based silicon to emulate a PC environment. Despite this technical success, the user experience is far from ideal. The developer of a compact version of Windows 11, known as Tiny11, utilized UTM SE to get the OS running on the iPhone 15 Pro. The process showcases significant technical prowess but results in a rather rough and unrefined...