Senator Schumer Speaks Out Against Lawlessness in Columbia Protests

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer criticized protesters at Columbia University who broke windows and took control of Hamilton Hall. He said it’s not free speech when people break the law. Schumer thinks those who did it should face serious consequences. He said protests should not turn into crimes because it doesn’t help their cause.

The protesters at Columbia University barricaded themselves in a building. The university said they can’t keep interrupting classes with protests. They warned that there would be consequences for breaking the rules.

Schumer, who is Jewish, said it’s wrong when Jewish students are targeted. He talked about a speech he made about antisemitism. He said antisemitism is terrible and shouldn’t be accepted.

Senator Schumer Speaks Out Against Lawlessness in Columbia Protests
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer

Some Republicans want Columbia’s president to resign for not controlling the situation. They said it’s not right that Jewish students have to fear for their safety.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell also criticized the pro-Palestinian protests. He said the protesters are promoting hate against Jewish people. He thinks universities need to do more to stop these protests from turning violent.

McConnell praised Princeton University for handling protests better. He said universities should not just talk about stopping disorder, they should take action too.

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