Elliman Appoints Tomana to Enhance Florida Market Research

Douglas Elliman Development Marketing has hired Laura Tomana as senior vice president of market data and research, a move that aims to boost the brokerage’s research abilities, especially in Florida.

Tomana, who previously worked as a senior economist at the Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY) and Brown Harris Stevens Development Marketing, brings a lot of experience in real estate research and market analysis.

Her focus on planning before development, like pricing, floor plans, finishes, and amenities, is expected to give Elliman an advantage in the Florida real estate market.

Tomana’s hiring shows that Douglas Elliman is serious about improving its research, by making more trend reports and getting more data sources.

Laura Tomana brings rich experience in real estate research, analytics, and pre-development planning.

This is important in Florida, where there isn’t as much public information about new developments compared to places like New York City.

Tomana wants to improve reporting and analyzing data in South Florida, which could change how people understand market opportunities and development strategies.

Douglas Elliman has been expanding in Florida, starting a rental division in South Florida two years ago, opening its first Gulf Coast office in Sarasota, and recently opening an office in Santa Rosa Beach in the Panhandle.

They also led sales for a 52-unit condo project where the Surfside collapse happened, showing their growing role in Florida’s new development market.

Focus on pricing, floor plans, finishes, and amenities gives Elliman a competitive edge.

Tomana’s expertise in market data and research will be key in guiding these expansions, making sure projects meet market needs and trends.

Hiring Laura Tomana isn’t just about adding someone to the team; it’s about Douglas Elliman shifting towards using more data in the Florida real estate market.

By using Tomana’s knowledge of economic analysis and market research, Elliman aims to improve real estate development and marketing in the region.

This not only makes the brokerage more competitive but also brings a higher level of understanding to Florida’s real estate scene, potentially changing how market research and development planning are done in the state.

Jackson Kelley
Jackson Kelley
Jackson is a political activist and market expert. He covers the impact of politics on the market and global economy.
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