Pinterest, Reddit, and Snapchat Gained Marketer Traction in 2024 as TikTok and X Usage Waned

In 2024, smaller social media platforms like Pinterest, Reddit, and Snapchat saw a notable increase in marketer usage, as revealed by Digiday+ Research’s Q1 2024 survey. Pinterest’s usage rose by 7 percentage points, while Reddit and Snapchat each saw a 5 percentage point increase.

This growth was partly due to marketers diversifying their investments amid declining usage of TikTok and X, but also reflects the platforms’ efforts to enhance ad revenue. Snap, for example, aggressively marketed improved ad products and incentives in Q1 2024, resulting in nearly $1.2 billion in ad revenue.

Snap’s focus on attracting advertisers has been driven by a desire to provide consistent returns as marketers seek alternatives to TikTok. Reddit, which went public in March 2024, is also making significant moves, particularly in its search ad business, as it seeks to capitalize on its large volume of search queries.

Reddit’s CEO emphasized the platform’s transition to a more visually oriented experience, aligning with trends seen on other major platforms that focus on multimedia content.

Pinterest, known for its calm and inspirational atmosphere, is increasingly positioning itself as a key player in the marketing funnel, aiming to be seen as a platform that effectively engages users at various stages.

The platform’s pitch to marketers emphasizes its ability to inspire, which has resonated with some agencies. Pinterest’s unique positioning as a non-doomscrolling space has made it appealing for certain campaigns focused on creative inspiration.

Pinterest, Reddit, and Snapchat gained marketer traction in 2024 as TikTok and X usage waned.
Pinterest, Reddit, and Snapchat gained marketer traction in 2024 as TikTok and X usage waned.

Impressions have become a critical success metric for marketers on platforms like Pinterest, Snapchat, X, and Reddit. In 2024, the importance of impressions grew significantly, with a 22 percentage point increase on Pinterest and a 17 percentage point increase on Snapchat.

On Reddit, impressions were included as a success metric for the first time. This shift suggests that marketers are placing greater value on the visibility of content, particularly on platforms where user engagement is measured more by conversation than by likes or shares.

The shift in focus to impressions is particularly pronounced on X, where the platform’s turmoil under Elon Musk’s leadership, along with controversial content policy changes, has made traditional engagement metrics less reliable.

Despite X’s claim of growing monthly active users, the platform’s user base has faced challenges, with impressions becoming a more relevant metric for marketers seeking to measure success amid the platform’s evolving dynamics.

Reddit’s public offering in 2024 may have contributed to the growing importance of impressions on the platform, as more users read through content without actively engaging. This trend aligns with Reddit’s broader strategy to integrate more multimedia content while maintaining its text-based roots.

Marketers on Reddit are increasingly using impressions to gauge reach and brand visibility in a space where users often seek specific information rather than engaging directly.

As marketers continue to grapple with challenges like cost of acquisition on legacy platforms such as Facebook and YouTube, they are increasingly leaning into creator content on platforms like TikTok and Instagram.

However, the need for constant content refreshes on fast-paced platforms like TikTok has led to challenges around resource allocation and content demands. Some brands, like Hyundai and Natalie’s Juice, have adapted by incorporating more user-generated content (UGC) and working with creators to maintain a steady flow of fresh material.

Brand safety remains a significant concern for marketers, particularly on UGC-focused platforms. On X, this issue has led to a pause in ad spending by major brands due to concerns about content adjacency with harmful or controversial material.

Similarly, on TikTok and Snapchat, brand safety is a top concern for marketers, highlighting the risks associated with environments where content control is limited. This has driven some marketers to either reduce their activity or seek alternative platforms where brand safety can be more easily managed.

Despite these challenges, some brands have successfully navigated the UGC landscape by embracing a more relaxed approach to content control. Duolingo, for example, has built its social media presence around humor and community-driven content, allowing for a more organic and authentic brand image.

This strategy, while risky, has proven effective in engaging users on platforms where strict content control could stifle creativity and authenticity.

Finally, smaller platforms like Snapchat, Reddit, and Pinterest face the challenge of scale, with many marketers citing this as their biggest hurdle. These platforms, which prioritize user interaction over passive content consumption, require marketers to be more strategic in their content creation and distribution.

The emphasis on generating engagement through interactive and authentic content has led to a more reactive approach, with brands often following trends rather than setting them.

Michael Manua
Michael Manua
Michael, a seasoned market news expert with 29 years of experience, offers unparalleled insights into financial markets. At 61, he has a track record of providing accurate, impactful analyses, making him a trusted voice in financial journalism.
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