Beijing Responds to U.S. Criticism of Hong Kong’s Security Law as ‘Slander’

China’s embassy responded sternly to U.S. criticism of Hong Kong’s new national security law on Thursday, emphasizing the need for the U.S. to recognize China’s sovereignty.

The law, passed by Hong Kong lawmakers on Tuesday, has drawn criticism for allegedly expanding government authority to suppress dissent. Penalties outlined in the law, such as those for “treason” and “insurrection,” carry severe punishments including life imprisonment.

In response, the U.S. State Department expressed concern, describing the law’s threats as vague and poorly defined. Spokesperson Vedant Patel remarked, “We believe that these kinds of actions have the potential to accelerate the closing of Hong Kong’s once open society.”

Beijing Responds to U.S. Criticism of Hong Kong's Security Law as 'Slander'
Hong Kong passes controversial law expanding government powers, drawing international concern.

China’s embassy in the U.S. swiftly rebuffed such criticism, asserting that other nations should refrain from meddling in its internal affairs.

“Hong Kong is China’s Hong Kong. Hong Kong affairs are purely China’s internal affairs, which no country is in the position to point fingers at or interfere in,” a spokesperson declared on Wednesday.

Beijing Responds to U.S. Criticism of Hong Kong's Security Law as 'Slander'
U.S. State Department voices worry over vague threats in Hong Kong’s national security law.

The spokesperson continued, urging the U.S. to respect China’s sovereignty and cease interference in Hong Kong’s internal matters, under international law, and norms governing international relations.

Hong Kong’s Legislative Council introduced the bill, known as Article 23, on March 8, with Chief Executive John Lee stressing the urgency of its passage amidst complex geopolitical dynamics.

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi recently accused the U.S. of devising new methods to suppress China, stating that U.S. accusations against Beijing had reached an “unbelievable degree.” Despite some progress in bilateral relations, Wang Yi lamented the persistence of a flawed understanding of China within the U.S.

Jackson Kelley
Jackson Kelley
Jackson is a political activist and market expert. He covers the impact of politics on the market and global economy.
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