Industry Voices Concerns Over NYC’s ‘Good Cause Law’s Impact on Investors

The new Good Cause Eviction Law in New York City has caused big changes in how people invest in real estate there. Many investors are thinking about whether they still want to invest in the city’s property market.

This law makes it harder for landlords to evict tenants and puts a limit on how much they can raise rent for most apartments. Because of this, some investors are worried and are thinking about investing in cities where it’s easier for developers.

One investor, Ilya Tolmasov from Prospect Acquisitions, says it’s frustrating to invest in a city that seems to make it hard for businesses to operate.

With this new law and other things like high construction costs, strict city inspections, and lots of rules, investing in real estate in New York is becoming less attractive to some people.

The Wider Impact of Regulatory Changes

New York’s new good cause eviction law doesn’t just affect real estate investors—it has bigger effects too. This law makes it harder for landlords to improve properties or build new ones, which could slow down the growth and innovation of the city’s housing market.

Remy Raisner of The Raisner Group notes that landlords are finding it hard to turn a profit, especially with reduced rental activity during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Credits: French American Foundation)

Remy Raisner from The Raisner Group says landlords are struggling to make money, especially after fewer people rented during the Covid-19 pandemic.

But it’s not all bad for tenants in regular apartments—they now have more protection and can bargain more. This might lead to landlords paying them more to leave, according to lawyer Sherwin Belkin.

However, investors like Danny Fishman from Gaia Real Estate are putting their money into other cities instead of New York, showing a trend of investing less in the city.

A Global Look at Market Interventions

The worries in New York are part of a bigger concern around the world about governments getting more involved in markets. This was discussed at the recent meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and with issues in the UK’s water industry.

This was discussed at recent International Monetary Fund (IMF) meetings, along with issues in the UK’s water industry. (Credits: AFP)

While New York’s law aims to help tenants, it’s part of a global trend where governments are getting more involved in markets. This can have good or bad effects. The IMF and Global Trade Alert say more governments are making rules that affect trade and investment, but we’re not sure yet how it will affect things altogether.

The problems at Thames Water in the UK show what can go wrong when governments step in too much, risking a lot of money invested in the country’s water systems. These examples show how governments have to find the right balance between protecting people and letting businesses grow.

Planning for Real Estate Investment in the Future

New York’s new law is an important example of how regulations can affect real estate.

Yet, investors such as Danny Fishman of Gaia Real Estate are diverting their investments to other cities instead of New York, indicating a trend of decreasing investment in the city.

Even though it’s supposed to help tenants, it might make investors less likely to put money into the city, which could make housing shortages and living conditions worse.

The reaction from real estate experts shows we need to find a balance that helps both landlords and tenants.

As other cities and countries deal with similar issues, New York’s experience and the global situation teach us important lessons about how to handle regulations and encourage investment and innovation in housing.

Sajda Parveen
Sajda Parveen
Sajda Praveen is a market expert. She has over 6 years of experience in the field and she shares her expertise with readers. You can reach out to her at [email protected]
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