Next U.S. President Faces Balancing Act in Regulating Social Media Companies

The next U.S. president will face the challenging task of regulating social media companies to balance dominance, power, free speech, privacy, and innovation. Although Kamala Harris has not been officially named the Democratic nominee, she has secured substantial support, including endorsements from current President Joe Biden.

This sets up a likely head-to-head race between Harris and former President Donald Trump, with significant attention on their approaches to big tech and social media regulation.

Regarding the potential TikTok ban, Harris has not taken a clear stance, whereas Trump attempted to ban the app in 2020 but reversed his position in 2024, influenced by his ties with Republican donor Jeff Yass, who has a financial stake in TikTok.

On content moderation, Harris advocates for stricter regulations and transparency, seeking a cooperative approach between the government and social media platforms. Trump, conversely, has called for revising Section 230 and has criticized social media for spreading “fake news” while using these platforms to disseminate misinformation.

Kamala Harris
Kamala Harris

On the issues of online harassment and hate speech, Harris supports holding platforms accountable, believing they have not done enough. Trump, however, emphasizes protecting free speech over implementing stronger measures against harassment and hate speech.

In terms of data privacy, Harris pushes for stronger laws to protect consumer information and control over their data. Trump is less vocal on specific privacy policies but generally favors a lighter regulatory approach.

When it comes to antitrust enforcement, Harris is expected to continue Biden’s efforts to promote fair competition and prevent monopolies. Trump has previously taken an uncharacteristically aggressive stance for a Republican on scrutinizing mergers and acquisitions, particularly in the tech sector.

Regarding the breakup of big tech companies, Harris has shown openness to the idea, while Trump’s interest seems driven more by personal grievances than antitrust concerns.

Regarding AI regulation, Harris endorses Biden’s executive order for increased public oversight and regulation. In contrast, Trump has vowed to repeal this order if he wins the election.

Concerning election interference, Harris recognizes the danger of foreign meddling and calls on platforms to take preventative measures.

Trump insists on stronger actions from social media companies to combat election interference, accusing them of censorship and bias against conservatives, and has threatened to regulate or shut them down if they do not comply.

Anuj Bhor
Anuj Bhor
Engineer turned stock trader. Passionate about analyzing market trends and maximizing profits through informed decisions.
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