Publishers Continue Cookieless Targeting Efforts Despite Google’s Cookie Policy Shift

Despite Google’s recent decision to halt its plan for completely eliminating third-party cookies from its Chrome browser, publishers are not changing their approach to cookie alternatives.

According to 11 publishing executives, their strategies for testing and implementing cookieless targeting solutions, including Google’s Privacy Sandbox, will continue or even increase. The change in Google’s plan has shifted the responsibility from a set timeline for cookie deprecation to a user-controlled choice on whether to accept third-party cookies.

Google’s new approach allows users to decide whether third-party cookies are used during their browsing, which introduces uncertainties for publishers. This user-controlled model undermines the certainties publishers relied on, such as a clear timeline and the uniformity of cookie deprecation across all browsers.

Publishers Continue Cookieless Targeting Efforts Despite Google's Cookie Policy Shift
Publishers Continue Cookieless Targeting Efforts Despite Google’s Cookie Policy Shift

The shift means publishers must adapt their strategies to account for varying user choices rather than a definitive end date for cookies.

The reaction among publishers to Google’s announcement was one of disappointment and frustration. A publisher who wished to remain anonymous likened the decision reversal to a sudden and unexpected setback, akin to a “Thanos snap.”

The publisher expressed that the extensive efforts to prepare for cookie deprecation seemed to have been in vain, although their approach to testing and adopting new solutions will persist.

Uncertainty remains as Google has not provided a specific timeline or detailed how users will be given choices about third-party cookies.

Publishers feel compelled to continue preparing for a future without third-party cookies due to the likelihood of similar scenarios emerging, such as those seen with Apple’s App Tracking Transparency, which resulted in a significant drop in user tracking.

The Privacy Sandbox, a key part of Google’s plan, faces scrutiny regarding its effectiveness, with reports indicating potential revenue losses for publishers. Despite this, Google has committed to continuing the development and support of Privacy Sandbox solutions. Publishers, including those at Quizlet and Raptive, plan to intensify their testing of these cookieless alternatives, despite the absence of a clear deprecation deadline.

Publishers remain focused on investing in alternative identification methods and cookieless targeting solutions. Even though Google’s announcement delays the complete removal of third-party cookies, the finite nature of addressable user data in a cookieless environment increases competition and necessitates ongoing adaptation.

This persistent effort reflects a broader trend towards preparing for a cookie-less future, ensuring that publishers are well-positioned to navigate the evolving digital advertising landscape.

Michael Manua
Michael Manua
Michael, a seasoned market news expert with 29 years of experience, offers unparalleled insights into financial markets. At 61, he has a track record of providing accurate, impactful analyses, making him a trusted voice in financial journalism.
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