Study Reveals Higher Binge Drinking Rates Among Sexual- and Gender-Minority Students

A recent study published in *Pediatrics* on August 6 highlights that sexual- and gender-minority (SGM) students have a higher prevalence of binge drinking compared to their peers.

This study, led by Meg D. Bishop, Ph.D., from the University of Maryland, analyzed data from nearly a million secondary school students who participated in the California Healthy Kids Survey between 2017 and 2019.

The study assessed binge drinking rates over the past 30 days among students of various grade levels, racial and ethnic backgrounds, and sexual orientations or gender identities. The findings revealed that differences in binge drinking related to SGM status emerged early in secondary school, with certain subgroups of SGM students reporting significantly higher rates compared to their white, non-SGM counterparts.

Study Reveals Higher Binge Drinking Rates Among Sexual- and Gender-Minority Students
Study Reveals Higher Binge Drinking Rates Among Sexual- and Gender-Minority Students

Specifically, SGM adolescents belonging to minoritized racial and ethnic groups were found to have higher binge-drinking rates than their same-grade, white non-SGM peers. This suggests that the intersection of sexual orientation, gender identity, and racial or ethnic minority status may contribute to an increased risk of binge drinking among these students.

The study’s authors emphasize the need for developmentally and culturally appropriate prevention and intervention strategies to address these disparities.

They advocate for programs and policies developed in collaboration with community members, which focus on intersectional stigma, inclusive education, healthcare access, and cultural diversity within family contexts, as essential steps toward reducing the higher rates of binge drinking among SGM students.

Jackson Kelley
Jackson Kelley
Jackson is a political activist and market expert. He covers the impact of politics on the market and global economy.
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