Trump Disavows Support for Ken Langone, Home Depot Co-Founder, Despite Langone’s Backing of Nikki Haley

Donald Trump voiced his sentiments about Home Depot co-founder Ken Langone in an interview with CNBC, stating he had “never been a fan” of Langone, who had thrown his support behind Nikki Haley, Trump’s primary challenger.

Trump’s remarks came after a clip aired during his appearance on Squawk Box, where Langone expressed concerns about the potential repercussions of a Trump victory, citing fears of a retaliatory approach.

“I worry if Trump wins, it’s going to be four years of getting even,” Langone remarked in the clip.

Trump Disavows Support for Ken Langone, Home Depot Co-Founder, Despite Langone's Backing of Nikki Haley
Langone’s endorsement of Nikki Haley, Trump’s criticism, and potential impact on Republican alliances.

“Well, look, I’ve never been a fan of Ken,” responded Trump. “I don’t know if he supported me … because I was the only one that he could support … but I’ve never been a fan.”

This exchange highlights a significant shift in the relationship between Trump and Langone, which was once perceived as solid.

In 2020, Trump had praised Langone on social media, hailing him as a “great American.” Records from the former president’s schedule show that Trump and Langone maintained communication in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Trump Disavows Support for Ken Langone, Home Depot Co-Founder, Despite Langone's Backing of Nikki Haley
Langone’s significant contributions, political allegiances, and Forbes-recognized stature illustrate shifting dynamics in Republican circles.

Langone had contributed $100,000 to Trump’s 2017 presidential inaugural committee, according to data from Open Secrets.

However, in a separate interview in January, Langone made it clear that he would not back Trump if the former president secured the Republican nomination.

Last year, Langone donated $500,000 to a pro-Haley super PAC while the former South Carolina governor was still competing in the GOP primary.

With over 40 years since co-founding Home Depot, Langone’s net worth is estimated at over $8 billion by Forbes. He currently serves as the chairman of the board of trustees of New York University Langone Health.

Jackson Kelley
Jackson Kelley
Jackson is a political activist and market expert. He covers the impact of politics on the market and global economy.
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