White House Correspondents’ Dinner Sees Demonstrators Criticize Media on Israel-Hamas Coverage

People are protesting the way the media talks about the war between Israel and Hamas during this year’s White House Correspondents’ Association dinner. The dinner is attended by President Biden, top government officials, and journalists who cover them.

The protestors are unhappy with how President Biden’s administration is handling the Israel-Hamas war and how the mainstream media reports on it.

Near the Washington Hilton where the dinner is happening, people are chanting “Free, free Palestine” and calling for a “ceasefire.” Videos on social media show these protests.

The feminist group Code Pink plans to “shut down” the dinner in protest. They say the dinner has turned into a platform that supports the administration’s actions.

White House Correspondents’ Dinner Sees Demonstrators Criticize Media on Israel-Hamas Coverage
White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner Protests (Credits: Rolling Stone)

The group believes that the U.S. media tells stories that are against Palestinians and ignores the wrongdoings of Israel.

The Committee to Protect Journalists says that since the conflict began on October 7th after a terrorist attack by Hamas on southern Israel, at least 97 reporters and media workers have been killed.

In April, a group of Palestinian reporters wrote an open letter asking other reporters to boycott the dinner. They believe that attending the event with President Biden and Vice President Harris would make it seem like they support the administration’s actions.

They think the dinner promotes media manipulation and goes against journalistic ethics.

The dinner has been criticized for a long time for mixing journalists with the people they are supposed to report on.

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