Trump Holds Higher Trust on Economy, Inflation Than Biden

A new poll shows that more Americans trust former President Trump over President Biden when it comes to the economy and inflation.

The ABC News/Ipsos poll found that many Americans see the economy and inflation as important issues for the upcoming election. Most people in the survey said they trust Trump more than Biden on these topics. Eighty-eight percent said the economy is important in deciding who to vote for, and 85 percent said the same for inflation.

Forty-six percent of those surveyed trust Trump on the economy, while only 32 percent trust Biden. Twenty-one percent said they don’t trust either candidate.

Similarly, 44 percent trust Trump to handle inflation, compared to 30 percent for Biden. Twenty-five percent don’t trust either candidate.

Trump Holds Higher Trust on Economy, Inflation Than Biden
Former President Trump (Credits: Mint)

The poll also asked about people’s financial situations under Biden. Forty-three percent said they’re not as well off since he took office, while 40 percent said they’re about the same, and 16 percent said they’re better off.

In a hypothetical match-up between Biden and Trump, the race is close. Trump had 46 percent support among all adults surveyed, while Biden had 44 percent. Among registered voters, Biden had a slight lead with 46 percent support compared to Trump’s 45 percent. Among likely voters, Biden led with 49 percent, while Trump had 45 percent.

The poll surveyed 2,260 adults online from April 25-30 and has a margin of error of 2 percentage points.

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