Digitas Repositions as a Networked Experience Agency to Adapt to AI and Social Trends

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, agencies must adapt swiftly to stay ahead of AI and social trends. Digitas, a Publicis-owned agency, has recently repositioned itself as a networked experience agency.

This shift is driven by the understanding that consumers are increasingly interacting in a networked manner, moving seamlessly through various experiences and content touchpoints. Megan Jones, Digitas’ Chief Media Officer, emphasizes the need to comprehend this complex customer journey to effectively guide clients in reaching the right audience.

Jones uses Amazon as an example of this fluid customer journey. Amazon’s integration of shopping, content consumption, and even pharmacy services illustrates how consumers interact in a non-linear fashion. This highlights the need for agencies to adapt their strategies to manage this fluidity and address the constantly shifting behaviors of consumers.

Megan Jones
Megan Jones

To enhance its ability to connect the dots and act quickly, Digitas has introduced two key innovations: a generative AI suite of tools and a new social strategy unit named Share Worthy and Trending (SWAT). SWAT is designed to keep pace with rapidly evolving social platforms and trends, leveraging a team of social experts and strategists to create relevant, platform-specific content.

Jones explains that the SWAT team’s role is to understand cultural trends and react appropriately for brands. They analyze social and cultural dynamics to identify the best opportunities for brands and then produce tailored content for various platforms, such as TikTok and Instagram, to ensure it resonates with the target audience.

Digitas AI, another crucial innovation, focuses on leveraging AI for both internal and external purposes. This includes using AI to analyze audience data and create brand-specific “agents” that emulate a brand’s voice and tone. This approach helps in personalizing interactions and improving engagement based on detailed consumer insights.

Jones, who began her role at Digitas in January 2023, reflects on her journey from working at media-only agencies to a full-service agency like Digitas. She highlights the importance of integrating media and creative strategies, which has been key to acquiring notable clients like Crocs and Sephora.

Regarding the concept of the purchase funnel, Jones acknowledges that while the traditional linear model is less applicable today, the funnel still exists in a more fluid form. She notes that marketing strategies need to accommodate this non-linear behavior and embrace a more nuanced approach.

Finally, Jones discusses the evolution of AI in media, noting its long-standing presence in biddable channels. She describes how Digitas AI’s capabilities are designed to enhance client strategies by analyzing vast amounts of data and providing actionable insights. This includes potential applications for competitive intelligence, further expanding the possibilities for AI-driven marketing.

Michael Manua
Michael Manua
Michael, a seasoned market news expert with 29 years of experience, offers unparalleled insights into financial markets. At 61, he has a track record of providing accurate, impactful analyses, making him a trusted voice in financial journalism.
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