New York’s $237 Billion Budget Focuses on Housing and Cracks Down on Unlicensed Marijuana Shops

In a big decision, New York lawmakers approved a $237 billion state budget. The goal is to deal with several important issues, like building more houses and stopping illegal marijuana stores.

This package covers many other important topics, such as closing state prisons faster, helping more migrants, and keeping some pandemic rules like allowing takeout cocktails. The budget tries to tackle New York’s problems directly, especially focusing on housing and regulating marijuana.

Homes and Weed: A Double Focus

The budget has a big plan to help improve New York’s housing market. It’s offering developers a tax break if they rent some new apartments for less than the usual price. The aim is to encourage building more homes and deal with the shortage of places to live.

But not everyone is happy about this. Cea Weaver, who works to improve housing, thinks it’s unfair. She says it’s more about helping developers than helping people find affordable homes.

New York's housing market
The budget has a big plan to help improve New York’s housing market (Credits: iStock)

At the same time, the budget also wants to stop unlicensed weed stores from popping up all over New York City. They’re going to make it easier to enforce the rules, showing how the state is struggling to control its new marijuana market.

Examining Housing Laws

The budget’s housing plans are part of broader laws that also include recent changes to New York’s rent rules and the introduction of new housing programs.

These plans aim to create more affordable housing and make renovations easier for landlords financially. However, whether these measures help with the city’s housing crisis is still being discussed.

Critics say that while the plans might help some people, they don’t fully solve problems for the most at-risk tenants and the financial issues landlords and developers face.

The Marijuana Mystery

The way the budget deals with illegal cannabis shops shows how hard it is to control a new legal market. The state wants to help legal marijuana stores by letting police shut down illegal ones more easily.

New York Cannabis Culture
The budget also deals with illegal cannabis shops

But this plan makes people wonder how to enforce the law while still letting legal stores grow and stop illegal sales.

The budget’s housing and cannabis plans show how cities are trying to solve big problems by making new laws. In places like Long Beach, they’re changing zoning laws to build more cheap homes.

This shows that special rules can help. These examples show how we need new ideas to make cities better for everyone.

Jackson Kelley
Jackson Kelley
Jackson is a political activist and market expert. He covers the impact of politics on the market and global economy.


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