Trump Highlights Republicans’ Position on IVF in Response to Newsom

Former President Donald Trump criticized California Governor Gavin Newsom over the debate on in vitro fertilization (IVF) and said Republicans are leading on the issue.

In a post on Truth Social, Trump called out Newsom for not recognizing Republican leadership on IVF. He criticized Newsom’s governance of California, describing it as a failure.

IVF has become a topic of concern due to recent legal developments. Last year, the Alabama Supreme Court’s ruling regarding frozen embryos and fertilized eggs affected IVF treatments in the state.

Newsom condemned the Alabama court’s decision in February, labeling it as part of a broader “war on women.” Trump also expressed support for protecting IVF treatments, a sentiment echoed by many Republicans.

Trump Highlights Republicans' Position on IVF in Response to Newsom
Former President Donald Trump

The issue of reproductive rights gained prominence after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022. Trump claimed credit for this decision, stating that he had returned the abortion issue to individual states for regulation.

He praised GOP-led states for enacting restrictive abortion laws, emphasizing that states are now setting their own rules. Trump asserted that by returning abortion regulation to the states, the issue has been removed from the national stage, preventing extreme positions such as late-term abortions.

Trump suggested that allowing states to decide on abortion regulations could lead to national unity on this divisive issue. He emphasized that the responsibility now lies with individual states, aligning with the desires of the majority.

Trump emphasized that abortion regulation is now the responsibility of the states, a decision that he believes reflects the will of the people and should have been the case from the beginning.

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