Columbia University Faces Lawsuit Over Campus Safety Amid Protests

An anonymous Jewish student is suing Columbia University. They say the university didn’t keep them safe during protests about Palestine. The student claims that since the protests started, they and other Jewish students have felt unsafe. They say they’ve been harassed and even hurt.

The lawsuit says there’s been a “Gaza Solidarity Encampment” on campus for over a week. It claims that Jewish students have been targeted with hateful language and even physical violence. The lawsuit mentions signs with slogans like “Death to the Jews” and “Long live Hamas.”

The lawsuit also criticizes the university for switching to online classes. It says this move made it harder for Jewish students to feel connected to their school and classmates.

Columbia University Faces Lawsuit Over Campus Safety Amid Protests
Columbia University Protests (Credits: TSWJ)

While the lawsuit recognizes the right to protest peacefully, it says some protesters crossed a line. It accuses them of inciting violence against Jewish students.

Columbia University hasn’t commented on the lawsuit. But Jay Edelson, who represents the students in the lawsuit, says Columbia has let Jewish students feel threatened on campus. He says the university should protect all students, no matter their background.

Meanwhile, Columbia’s president, Minouche Shafik, acknowledges that the protests have affected Jewish students. She promises to make the campus safe for everyone.

The lawsuit asks the court to make Columbia enforce its rules to protect students. It also wants the court to order Columbia to let students finish the semester safely.

This lawsuit comes as the university starts to punish students who won’t leave the protest camp.

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